Sunday tells the story of an infamous day in Derry, North of Ireland and how the events of that day were subsequently covered up by the British Government of the time. On Sunday 30th January 1972 a peaceful civil rights march against internment (imprisonment without trial), organised by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) ended with 13 marchers shot dead and 15 wounded. It became known throughout the world as Bloody Sunday. Told primarily from the perspective of the Derry community, juxtaposed with the British Army/state's preparations and reaction to the day, Sunday communicates the forensic and emotional truth of what happened
as Leo Young
as John Young
as Jackie Duddy
as Maura Young
as Major Gen. Robert Ford
as Teenage Girl in Dancehall
as Para Sergeant
as Para 027
as Para G
as Para H
as Lt. Col. Jackson
as Brig. MacLellan
as Leo's Wife
as Mrs Young
as Jack Doherty
as Mary Doherty
as Gerard Donaghy
as Mr Nash
as Damien 'Bubbles' Donaghy
as Joe Friel
as 2nd Knight of Malta
as Gerard's Friend (Dooncha)
as Raymond Rogan
as Dr at Rogan's
as Company Sergeant Major
as Para 635
as Father Daly
as Paddy Doherty
as Barney McGuigan
as Checkpoint Soldier
as Father O'Gara
as Hospital Receptionist
as Para F
as Forensics Man
as 1st RUC Interrogator
as 2nd RUC Interrogator
as Edward Heath
as Lord Widgery
as Lord Hailsham
as 2nd RUC Man
as Army Barrister
as Family Barrister
as Inquiry Lawyer
as Man with Barney
as 1st IRA Recruit
as Buckingham Palace Official
as Mr Duddy
as Young Female Duddy
as Young Male Duddy
as Mr Young
as Megaphone Man
as William Nash
as Willie McKinney
as Vinny Coyle
as RUC Man with Megaphone
as John Johnston
as 1st IRA Man
as 1st Knight of Malta
as Young Man in Rogan's
as Gerard McKinney
as Kevin McElhinney
as Michael McDaid
as Jim Wray
as Michael Kelly
as Hugh Gilmour
as Woman looking for her son
as Man Looking for Relative
as RUC Photographer
as Man in Car
as Undertaker
as 1st RUC Man
as Solider in Hospital
as Lieutenant N
as 2nd IRA Man
as Woman in Window
as Joe Mahon
as 2nd IRA Recruit