Barry Goldwater Elementary is on the brink of collapse: the lowest test scores in the state, teachers who are either drunk or having sex on school grounds, and a principal who extorts money from parents. It's up to Tom, the down-on-his-luck vice-principal, to rally the lazy teachers, expose the principal's corruption, and turn the school around before an end of the day board decision.
as Tom Willoman
as Rebecca Seabrook
as Harper Billings
as Laura Buchwald
as Jesse Buchwald
as Turner Abernathy
as Nurse Gretchen
as Decatur Doublewide
as Digdug O'Shaughnessy
as Carlotta
as Frankie Fowler
as Maurice
as Sarah
as Sling Shot Kid
as Prep School Kid
as Sheila (uncredited)
as Miguel (uncredited)
as Helado
as Colette Bamboo