The film revolves around a mysterious girl named Éclair who appears before Fairy Tail, the world's most notorious wizard's guild. She lost all of her memories, except for the imperative that she must deliver two Phoenix Stones somewhere. The stones may spell the collapse of the magical world, and Natsu, Lucy, and the rest of the Fairy Tail guild are caught up in the intrigue.
as Natsu Dragneel (voice)
as Lucy Heartfilia (voice)
as Happy (voice)
as Gray Fullbuster (voice)
as Ezra Scarlet (voice)
as Wendy Marvell (voice)
as Charles (voice)
as Eclair (voice)
as Momon (voice)
as Makarov Dreyar (voice)
as Mirajane Strauss (voice)
as Gajeel Redfox (voice)
as Pantherlily (voice)
as Juvia Lockser (voice)
as Kana Alberona / Aquarius (voice)
as Elfman Strauss (voice)
as Lisanna Strauss (voice)
as Levy McGarden / Romeo Conbolt (voice)
as Laxus Dreyar (voice)
as Freed Justine / Sid (voice)
as Bickslow (voice)
as Evergreen (voice)
as Macao Conbolt / Sarusuke (voice)
as Wakaba Mine / Droy / Leiji / Taurus (voice)
as Alzack Connell (voice)
as Bisca Connell (voice)
as Max Alors (voice)
as Warren Rocko (voice)
as Nab Lasaro / Org (voice)
as Loki (voice)
as Virgo (voice)
as Guran Doma (voice)
as Prince Cream (voice)
as Dist (voice)
as Cannon (voice)
as Kordineta (voice)
as Chace (voice)
as Doyen (voice)
as Kalard (voice)
as Captain / Phoenix (voice)
as Mayor of Dasuma (voice)
as Geese (voice)
as Risa (voice)
as Additional Voice
as Additional Voice