Set in the north of Argentina. Yolanda, a young girl of Wichi origin, tells in her native language (Wichi Lhämtes), the story of how, as a family maid in a "criollo" home, she has her hair unjustly cut: this is her most particular trait, her beauty. This event jeopardizes her cultural ties with the "criollo" world and defines her destiny.
as Yolanda
as Yolanda (child)
as Sara
as Armando
as Antonella
as Horacio
as Gustavo
as Martin
as Marquitos
as Amilcar
as Guillermina
as Yolanda's Grandfather
as Yolanda's Grandmother
as Yolanda's Father
as Guillermina Mother
as Young Guillermina
as Miguel Angel
as Priest
as Sosa
as Mataco
as Jovita
as La Tutti
as Silvi
as Saleswoman
as Party DJ