Two boys, still grieving the death of their mother, find themselves the unwitting benefactors of a bag of bank robbery loot in the week before the United Kingdom switches its official currency to the Euro. What's a kid to do?
as Damian
as Anthony
as Ronnie
as Dorothy
as The Man
as St Francis
as Saint Peter
as Maureen
as Community Policeman
as Saint Joseph
as St Clare of Assisi
as Saint Nicholas
as Gonzaga
as Ambrosio
as Estate Agent
as Himself
as Cashier
as Headmaster
as Jerome
as All Saint 3
as Nativity Teacher
as Tricia
as Surveyor
as Eli
as Damian's Teacher
as Keegan
as Graham
as Terry
as Maria
as Fairclough
as Sweet Shop Owner
as Applicant
as Big Issue Seller