Based on the real-life adventures chronicled by Cameron Crowe, Fast Times follows a group of high school students growing up in Southern California. Stacy Hamilton and Mark Ratner are looking for a love interest, and are helped along by their older classmates, Linda Barrett and Mike Damone, respectively. At the center of the film is Jeff Spicoli, a perpetually stoned surfer who faces-off with the resolute Mr. Hand—a man convinced that everyone is on dope.
as Jeff Spicoli
as Stacy Hamilton
as Brad Hamilton
as Mike Damone
as Mark 'Rat' Ratner
as Linda Barrett
as Mr. Hand
as Arnold
as Mr. Vargas
as Lisa
as Ron Johnson
as Charles Jefferson
as Cindy
as Dennis Taylor
as Pat Bernardo
as Stoner Bud
as Robber
as Brad's Bud
as Curtis Spicoli
as Greg
as Stoner Bud
as Dina Phillips
as Dr. Miller
as Desmond
as Pirate King
as Pizza Guy
as Perry's Pizza Waitress
as Businessman
as Beautiful Girl in Car
as Mrs. Vargas
as Playmate
as Playmate
as Angry Twin
as Angry Twin
as Nurse
as Vice Principal
as Jefferson's Brother
as Brad's Bud
as Perry's Pizza Waitress
as Stu Nahan
as Dr. Brandt