In this shocking account based on a true story, newlywed Laurie Wade finds her marriage, and eventually the rest of her life, shattered by her deep-rooted psychotic behavior. The young woman soon begins a terrifying descent into insanity and brings danger to all those around her as she goes from brief "short-circuits" to overtly murderous behavior.
as Laurie Wade
as Matthew Wade
as Det. Frank Kendall
as Mort Webber
as Edna Webber
as Phil Andrew
as Linda Keaton
as John Walt
as Bonnie Stevens
as Tim Keaton
as Lillian Foster
as Amy Moses
as Little Laurie
as Super
as Diner
as Gunshop Owner
as Chief Lawton
as Principal
as Mover
as Office Worker
as Neil Wade
as Carol Wade
as Detective #1
as Detective #2
as Policewoman
as Mrs. Andrew
as Peter Stevens
as Kyle Stevens
as Willy Keaton
as Lynne Keaton
as Queenbee Girl #1
as Queenbee Girl #2
as Queenbee Boy
as Park Mother #1
as Park Mother #2