A journey through the life of Fergus McLafferty. Fergus needs a role model. He chooses a fish with four legs - an axolotl. This inbred freak of nature becomes a metaphor for Fergus' life. The Imploding Self traces Fergus's emotional turning points as he identifies more and more with is axolotl. A lonely, obsessive child turns into a lonely adult, out of touch of reality. As Fergus's mind and body decay, a psychological metamorphosis appears to become a physical reality - or has our reality become his?
as Fergus
as Young Fergus
as Mother
as Lucy
as Dr. Pickeltheeps
as Father
as Hospital Doctor
as Nurse
as Angel
as Petshop Owner
as Documentary Presenter
as King
as King
as King
as Party Guest
as Party Guest
as Little Girl in Pool
as Baby
as Mexican
as Mexican
as Mexican
as Mexican
as Mexican
as Mexican
as Mexican
as Mexican
as Mexican
as Mexican