The twists and turns of the journey of a girl named Dini, an intelligent teenager whose life changed due to the events of one disastrous night. Dini wakes up next to Rayi, the student council president and the person she likes. Dini felt scared when she found Rayi sleeping next to her without wearing clothes. Dini realized that Rayi had forced her to have sex while she was unconscious. When Dini found out that she was pregnant, this is where problems began to arise. Since then, Dini's life has no longer seemed the same. This bitter reality forces Dini to leave school and her old life to start a new journey full of challenges. Far from over, the problems in her life increased when Vincent, a person known as a troublemaker at school, claimed to be the father of the child in her womb.
as Andini Farra Yasmine
as Vincent Chandradinata
as Rayinda Sapta Anggara
as Gisel
as Carla
as Pendi Perdana Satria (Pepen)
as Deborah
as Marsha
as Bella
as Fikri
as Argo
as Ricky
as Sofie
as Henna
as Doni
as Ferdi Chandradinata
as Bibi Vincent
as Mami Vincent
as Tigor
as Simon
as Aci
as Dadan
as Alex
as Angelica Natasya (Angie)
as Hermanto Anggara
as Rina
as Ibu Anastasia
as Pak Alvin
as Pak Anggoro
as Nicky