The film revolves around a girl who tries to commit suicide because of her family's torture, but another person comes to save her from death. She goes with him to his house and tells him how cruel her family is to her. He tries to reconcile between her and her family, but he gets into trouble with her family and decides to marry the girl.
as إسماعيل
as ليلى
as سنية
as سيد
as بطه
as سويلم
as محروس
as الشاويش
as المعلم رمضان
as عباس
as فرد العصابه
as راكب الاوتوبيس
as المعلم شحاته
as جامع التبرعات
as سويلم الأول
as فرد العصابه
as ملاحظ المبانى
as ضابط