Mr. Novak tells a lie to his neighbor Mrs. Bartackova that her husband is unfaithful to her and that is how it all started.
as Novák
as Nováková
as Bartáčková
as Karel Bartáček
as René Novák
as Naďa Kovalová
as domovnice Vodrážková
as sekretářka Janička
as strážmistr VB
as pracovnice komparzního rejstříku Kačabová
as uklízečka Hortenzie
as listonoška
as zeměměřič
as zájemce o auto
as vrchní číšník
as vedoucí taxislužby
as referent osobního oddělení
as starý soused v paneláku
as Musician
as Musician
as Musician
as Musician
as Musician
as Musician
as Musician
as Musician
as Musician
as Musician
as Musician
as Musician
as Musician
as Property Man (voice)