Achim Bornhak's movie focuses on the restless life of Uschi Obermaier, the icon of the 1968 movement in Germany and groupie. At the age of 16, Uschi is bored by her job in a photo lab, but soon becomes the "it girl" of Munich's club scene. When she gets to know Rainer Langhans, they move to Berlin and live in "Kommune 1", the first politically-motivated commune in Germany. While the other occupants claim she isn't political enough, Uschi just wants to have fun, works as fashion model and leads international music stars in temptation.
as Uschi Obermaier
as Rainer Langhans
as Dieter Bockhorn
as Mick Jagger
as Keith Richards
as Uschis Mutter
as Agentin
as Sabine
as Freiberg
as Lurchi
as Boxer
as Starfotograf Bernd
as Kulturkritikerin
as Barbara
as Bedienung Party Bockhorn
as Angel