“Born to Love You” is a romantic comedy about poor lass, portrayed by Angeline Quinto, who tries her best to provide the needs of her siblings by joining singing contests. In one of the singing contests she joined in, she met Martin’s character who is a photographer. The two then found themselves falling in love with each other.
as Rex Manrique
as Joey Liwanag
as Charles Ronquillo
as Sylvia Manrique
as Rex's Father
as Yoyoy Estanislao
as Dulce Estanislao
as Freddie
as Jam
as Sampaguita Estanislao
as Coritha Estanislao
as Bryan
as Young Rex (5 yrs. old)
as Young Rex (11 yrs. old)
as Mr. Jimenez (as Ku Aquino)
as Bianca
as Kulot Assistant
as Benjot
as So Yun Park
as Korean Groom