A nuclear bomb is detonated in Los Angeles, and the nation devolves into unprecedented chaos. Ex-Green Beret Jeff Eriksson and his family escape to The Homestead, an eccentric prepper’s fortress nestled in the mountains. As violent threats and apocalyptic conditions creep toward their borders, the residents of The Homestead are left to wonder: how long can a group of people resist both the dangers of human nature and the bloodshed at their doorstep?
as Jenna Ross
as Ian Ross
as Evie McNulty
as Jeff Eriksson
as Evan Lee
as Tick
as Tara Eriksson
as Blake Masterson
as Claire Ross
as Abe Eriksson
as Molly McNulty
as Bing
as Guard
as Rick Baumgartner
as Lieutenant Javi Espada
as Christian
as Marta Baumgartner
as Rocco
as Theo McNulty
as Doc Hodges
as Tish Baumgartner
as Malcolm McNulty
as Miguel
as Ben Hodges
as Nurse Alena
as Ajay
as Homesteader
as Leif Eriksson
as Logan
as Security Guard
as Georgie Eriksson
as Older Gentleman
as Guard
as Jimmy McGavin
as Mike
as Marion Masterson