Edward Carnby is a private investigator specializing in unexplainable supernatural phenomena. His cases delve into the dark corners of the world, searching for truth in the occult remnants of ancient civilizations. Now, the greatest mystery of his past is about to become the most dangerous case he has ever faced.
as Edward Carnby
as Aline Cedrac
as Richard Burke
as Agent Miles
as Agent Feenstra
as Agent Marko
as Linda
as Agent Cheung
as Agent Barr
as Sam Fischer
as Prof. Lionel Hudgens
as Krash
as Captain Chernick
as John Dillon
as Sister Clara
as 80's Sheriff
as Deputy Adams
as James Pinkerton
as Guard
as Delivery Guy
as Young Boy
as First Mate
as Cabbie
as Agent Turner
as Agent Richards
as Beat Cop
as Sarah Fischer
as Agent Yonek
as Young Edward