The 10th film in the Wakadaisho series, the Young Ace Yuichi Tanuma travels to Hawaii to train in deep-sea navigation. The Young Ace comes to the rescue of various women in peril, teaches a would-be restauranteur how to make sukiyaki, thwarts the romantic aspirations of his rival Ao Daisho, and competes in the finals of the Japan Judo Championship at the Nippon Budokan. Shot across various locations across Hawaii, Tahiti, Saipan, and Tokyo.
as Yuichi Tanuma
as Sumiko Nishina
as Shinjiro Ishiyama
as Kyutaro Tanuma
as Riki Tanuma
as Yumiko Arita
as Teruko Tanuma
as Satoshi Eguchi
as Arita Hidezo
as Professor Takaishi
as Matsuura Senpai
as Hotta
as Yoshie
as Etsuko Osaki
as Yukiko Arita
as Hanatani
as Fusako
as Live announcer
as Kitty
as Dany