Nakamura Yukinojō, Edo's most popular actor, discovered that his parent's enemy, Ohara Genba, had changed his name to Isshiki Kurōnosuke and become a hatamoto, a direct retainer of the shogun. Yukinojō's younger brother, Shingorō, traveling to Edo from their hometown, helped the town boy Kiyohē and his daughter Michi from troublemakers led by Kumosuke. This act led to a reunion with Yukinojō through the assistance of their associate, Daisaburō.
as 伊丹新五郎
as 父
as 母
as うづらの清兵衛
as みち
as 三平
as 大三郎
as 江戸紫女将そよ
as 一色内蔵介
as 八重
as 七五郎
as 新免十四郎
as 中村吉蔵
as 雲助一
as 雲助二
as 一色の家来一
as 清兵衛の子分一