Shinzō, the heir of the prominent Edo lumber dealer Yamashiroya, left home when his stubborn father, Chōzaemon, dismissed his lover, the maid Oyasu. Shinzō and Oyasu set up a household near a soba shop in Fukagawa, but Shinzō struggled financially, turning to gambling and fighting, while Oyasu worked as a tea server in a theater, constantly harassed by a small-time gangster, Rikichi, for cigarette money. The only ones concerned about Shinzō and Oyasu were Shinzō’s sister, Omitu, and her dance teacher, Oyoshi. Later, Shinzō managed to get a job at another lumber dealer, but after a conflict with the detective Hansuke, who was also infatuated with Oyasu, Shinzō accidentally dropped lumber into the river and was fired. Unaware that Oyasu had borrowed money from a bar to repay the lumber dealer, Shinzō left to earn money in the Mito clan's crew quarters and ended up rescuing Rikichi from a dice game trouble.
as 新三
as お安
as 弟利吉
as おふみ
as お吉
as 柏屋万兵衛
as 山城屋長左衛門
as 女房おくら
as 娘おみつ
as 番頭久作
as 米山半助
as 岡部浪人
as 蕎麦屋惣平
as 女房お兼
as お安の叔父和助
as 下足番伝助
as 行商人多吉
as 按摩彦の市
as 大工の棟領
as 水戸家の仲間頭
as 寄席の浪人1
as 寄席の浪人2
as 寄席の浪人3
as 一流斎苦楽