In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
as Dizzle
as KP
as Dee
as Ya Yiita
as Alf
as 44
as Tweety
as Bud
as 16
as Bigg Citi
as Rod Legacy
as Naj
as Slim
as CJ
as Playa K
as KT
as Precious
as Tommy
as Cashier
as Lila
as Duck Hunter
as Detective Simpson
as Smoke
as Sour Pac Mal
as Xeno
as Big Kev
as Steve
as Unc
as Friend
as Girlfriend