Vampires have lived and coexisted with humans since medieval Romania. They set their sights on Nobara High School, a private school in Ibaraki Prefecture, as a place of prosperity. One day, Goro, a second-year high school student who likes women, is attacked by someone. The next day, he went to school dressed as a woman and became gay. His classmate Kyohei Kohinata predicts that if he is bitten by a vampire, he will become homosexual.
as Kyohei Kohinata
as Taiga Kuromori
as Yaya Kuromori
as Miki Satsuki
as Himeko Obinata
as Tomoki Miyata
as Ryoichi Tanaka
as Goro Tateno
as Yumeta Ogino
as Jiro Masuzoe
as Father Kohinata
as Tadashi Nakamoto
as Shino Takeuchi
as Sanpei Kohinata