Okazaki Domain samurai Inaba Gotaro accidentally killed a superior while trying to save his beloved geisha, Ko-en. On the run, they were rescued by the actor Nakamura Utaemon, but Ko-en was taken by the Hatamoto, Ono Issai. Gotaro, who fell off a cliff, was saved by the Dutch-trained doctor, Shibarai Ryokai, and his daughter Oume. While traveling to Edo, they met Utaemon in Mishima, who was suffering from a serious eye disease. Ryokai’s treatment saved Utaemon from blindness, and a strong friendship was formed among the three.
as 稲葉剛太郎
as 遠山金四郎
as 中村歌右衛門
as 柴凌海
as お梅
as 小えん
as 仁助
as お妙
as 亀吉
as 金太
as 中津勘解由
as 大野逸斎
as 松平丹波守
as 戸田竹庵
as 弟子
as 多胡平助
as 牧田彦十郎
as 杉川源十郎
as 西村長兵衛
as 谷沢十兵衛
as 小田原の医者
as 庄六