During the tumultuous end of the Tokugawa shogunate, the Tengu Party rose in rebellion in Mito. Friends from their hometown, Tanaka Genzo and Fujita Koshiro, each walked different paths. Koshiro, who upheld the philosophy of "Revere the Emperor, Expel the Barbarians," became a leader of the Tengu Party, taking refuge in the mountains. Genzo, however, did not have any particular ideological stance.
as 田中源蔵
as 藤田小四郎
as おみち
as 弥之助
as おのぶ
as 武田耕雲斎
as 田丸稲之右衛門
as 海老名の常造
as 妻おかつ
as 弁慶の半太郎
as 田中源右衛門
as 佐市
as 千種太郎
as 下妻新太
as 芸者菊次
as 半玉小半
as 岡ッ引仁平
as とく
as 雪枝