In the era of the twelfth Shogun, Tokugawa Ieyoshi, a notorious bandit known as "Shippu" (or "Swift Wind") emerged in Edo. Shippu would send a warning message called the "Thief's Summons" before striking, yet despite the magistrate's desperate search efforts, they couldn't find any leads. One day, a summons was shot into the residence of Ono Ryusai, who was leading a peaceful retirement life with his two concubines, O-Ran and O-Koshi. With the summons, various individuals including O-Ran's brother Itami Shigoshiro, the master of the Muso-ryu dojo, vigilante Mankichiro, rope expert Gohei, and Den'ichi from Kuromon Town were assigned to monitor the situation. However, while they were distracted by a neighboring fire, a chest containing a thousand ryo was stolen, and O-Koshi was killed.
as 黒門町の伝七
as 池の端の万五郎
as お俊
as 遠山左衛門尉
as 獅子ッ鼻の竹
as 三下の紋吉
as 早縄の五兵衛
as 三太
as 吉次
as 大野柳斉
as お越
as お蘭
as 伊丹重四郎
as 今田茂十郎
as 中村千之亟
as お島
as 立花主水
as 鳥木伍郎太