During the Genroku era, Azusa Gennosuke, renowned in Nara as a top swordsman and a scholar, crossed swords with the Magistrate Kurobane Yatayu, who tried to force himself on Gennosuke's beloved foster-sister, Kikuno. As a result, Gennosuke's younger brother, Shichisaburo, was killed. Separated from his mother, Gennosuke found himself on the run from the officials.
as 梓弦之助
as 弟七三郎
as 母そよ
as 水木辰弥
as 猿若勘三郎
as 中村伝九郎
as 左近源左衛門
as 太夫元
as 娘菊乃
as 三浦小次郎
as 黒羽根弥太夫
as 柳沢出羽守
as 将軍綱吉
as えび六
as 狸助
as 勝山
as お栄
as 居首甚五左
as 能登出雲守
as 鈴木右心
as 岩間八兵衛
as 狩野法眼