In 1842, in the Umemoku Mansion within Hikone Castle, Naosuke Ii, despite the tumultuous times, was engrossed in the world of tea ceremony. His friend, the Kokugaku scholar Nagano Shuzen, introduced him to a captivating shamisen master named Murayama Taka. Naosuke became deeply infatuated with her, disregarding the jealousy of his consort Shizu and the warnings of his senior retainer, Gaiji. However, upon discovering Taka's relationship with Shuzen, Naosuke promptly ended his ties with her.
as 井伊直弼
as 井伊直亮
as 長野主膳
as 三浦北庵
as 犬塚外記
as 岡本半介
as 中村長平
as 星野新蔵
as 宇津木翼
as 水戸齋昭
as 尾張大納言
as 松平越前守
as 本多越中守
as 阿部伊勢守
as 松平若狭守
as ハリス
as ヒュースケン
as 通訳
as 九條関白
as 有村治左衛門
as 関鉄之助
as 大関和七郎
as 森六五郎
as 稲田重蔵
as 黒沢忠三郎
as 多田一郎
as 多田帯刀
as 村山たか女
as 佐登
as 志津
as 昌子
as 萩栄
as 園
as 黒沢登幾子
as 雪野太夫
as 俵屋和助