20 years since the shocking final episode aired on January 19, 2003...On January 19, 2023, the anniversary of the final episode, a gorgeous cast will be in attendance at Theater G Rosso. With Nobuhiro Suzumura, who also served as the director, as MC, a talk event similar to a reunion was held, focusing on reminiscences from the time of filming. In response to many requests for a Blu-ray version, the Blu-ray of "Kamen Rider Ryuki 20th Anniversary Alumni Talk Event" will be released! What exactly happened at the final event of the 20th anniversary, which included the appearance of a secret guest and delivered more cheers than originally expected?
as Himself
as Himself
as Himself
as Himself
as Himself
as Himself
as Himself
as Himself
as Herself
as Himself (MC)
as Herself
as Herself
as Himself (video message)