Sitting in a restaurant representing the waiting room to the other world, a tired old man watches the patrons who represent him and his immediate family during the important moments of his life. Moments that have impacted him and the family, and have turned him into a man he was at the end of his life. The old man is forced to look these events in an objective way, observe them from the sidelines, as the judge and jury of a tragic life filled with regret, bitterness, and bad decisions. At a certain point, it becomes clear that the old man has actually died and is watching his own life.
as Hrvoje Kasum
as Kuhar
as Hrvoje
as Političar
as Zgodni tata
as Srednjovječna supruga
as Slavica
as Konobar
as Sijedi suprug
as Zgodna mama
as Mama sa snimke
as Šutljiva majka
as Prosti otac
as Srednjovječni suprug
as Odvjetnik
as Otac s kartama
as Stari šminker
as Trudnica
as Studentica
as Ines
as Tinejdžerka
as Konobarica & Barska pjevačica
as Sijeda supruga
as Tata sa snimke
as Zaručnik
as Sin student
as Student
as Sin krizmanik
as Znatiželjni klinac
as Trogodišnjak
as Tinejdžer
as Beba
as Juda
as Navijač
as Vozač
as Apostol
as Apostol
as Apostol
as Apostol
as Apostol
as Apostol
as Apostol
as Apostol
as Apostol
as Apostol
as Apostol