While a shocking series of crimes occur in a community along the Miramichi River, the life of Betty, a waitress in her thirties, takes an unexpected turn. She will not make her debut as a singer on the world stage after all but in her hometown that she had been planning to leave for a long time.
as Betty
as François
as Wayne
as David
as Doug
as Andreas
as Carol
as Roxanne
as Eugene
as Trudy
as Bobby
as Harry
as Christopher
as Janet
as Donna
as Sgt. Shaw
as Mrs. McGibbon
as Mr. McGibbon
as Allan Legere
as Betty at 8 Years Old
as Sgt. Hicks
as TV Reporter #1
as Betty at 15 Years Old
as Nurse
as TV Reporter #2
as RCMP Policeman
as Police Spokesman
as RCMP Officer #1
as Tracy
as Young Carol