Dutch television adaptation of the English theatre musical 'Love from Judy' by Eric Maschwitz and Hugh Martin, based on the novel 'Daddy-Long-Legs' by Jean Webster. Jerusha Abbott, a girl growing up in the orphanage, is called to the headmistress where she hears that one of the orphanage's wealthiest regents has taken notice of her fate and wants her to study to be a writer. One condition is that Jerusha has to write him a short letter once a month, stating what progress she is making.
as Jerusha Abbott
as Jervis Pendleton
as Jimmy McBride
as Julia Pendleton
as Mrs. Pendleton
as Sally McBride
as Mrs. Grace Pritchard
as Mrs. Lippett
as Butterfly
as Wilberforce
as Senator Parsons
as Cyrus Wykoff
as Sadie Kate
as Walters
as Gordon MacLintock