Drama based on the life of Owen Morgan Edwards, one of the main benefactors and campaigners for the Welsh language and Welsh culture in a period of time when the Welsh language was banned in schools and public places.
as O.M.
as Elin
as Ifan
as Hâf
as Ab Owen
as Owen Edwards
as Bet Edwards
as Mary
as Kate
as Lisi
as Magi
as Huw
as William
as Mary Cave
as Jowett
as Rector
as Lady Crewe
as Headmaster
as Headmistress
as Doctor
as President
as Eluned Morgan
as Minister
as Tad
as Young O.M.
as Young Hâf
as Young Ifan
as Boy on the train
as Boy in the school
as Boy in the school
as Siôn