Based on real events, the story follows a father and son who identify as Sovereign Citizens, a group of anti-government extremists, as they venture across the country and find themselves in a standoff with a chief of police that sets off an intense manhunt with tragic consequences.
as Jerry Kane
as Joe Kane
as John Bouchart
as Lesley Ann
as Patty Bouchart
as Adam Bouchart
as Brenda Reese
as Casino Guest
as Father Michael
as Judge Tate
as Rodney
as State Trooper
as Bob
as Tommy Paulson
as Deputy Sheriff
as Clerk
as Courtroom Clerk
as Officer Wray
as Mr. Friedman
as Candace
as Motel 6 Manager
as Jess Bouchart
as Rob Everson
as Police Recruit
as Detective
as Courtroom Gallery Audience Member
as State Trooper
as Teen #3