A former convict, named Raul Vela, and a cabaret singer, called Clara, are a couple who tries to lead a normal life. He has found an employment and she wants to leave the cabaret. One day an old chief, who wants to disappear, proposes him to justify his supposed death in a supposed accident. In exchange, Raúl will receive one hundred thousand pesetas as gratification. Raul refuses to engage in the deception. Shortly after, he reads in a newspaper about the death of Cervera, which makes the police relate him to the case.
as Clara
as Dora
as Don Tomás
as Alfonso Corbera
as Sr. Valle
as Raúl Vela
as Julián
as Policía
as Santos
as Portera
as Ayudante del comisario
as Doctor primero
as Doctor en la plaza
as Ana
as Camionero
as Doctor segundo
as Policía
as Paco
as Forense
as Dueña del club
as Chica rubia en el bar (uncredited)