Why didn't Vicky go get her passport sooner? What happened and she was caught crying in a bank? Why does she ask Alexis if he's bored? Will Harris text her? When will her hypochondriac neighbor see her again? None of these questions will be answered. Vicky is leaving tomorrow and she just wants to have fun.
as Βίκυ
as αδερφή Βίκυς
as μητέρα Βίκυς
as Αλέξης
as πατέρας Βίκυς
as Αλίκη
as Χάρης
as κύριος Αλεξόπουλος
as μπάρτεντερ
as μητριά
as φίλη Βίκυς
as φίλος Βίκυς
as φίλος Χάρη
as φίλη Βίκυς
as μεθυσμένος