Dita, who, despite never aspiring to be a mother, finds herself compelled to raise her girlfriend’s two daughters—Mia, a tiny troublemaker, and Vanesa, a rebellious teenager. As their individual wills clash, a heartwarming story unfolds about an unlikely family's struggle to stay together.
as Dita
as Suada
as Ali
as Toni
as Vanesa
as Mia
as Elena
as Flora
as Teuta
as Receptionist
as Nela
as Doctor
as Elderly Roma Lady
as Oncologist
as Nurse
as Principal
as Indira
as Registrar
as Hava
as Neighbour 1
as Neighbour 2
as Ferus
as Dino
as Lawyer
as Sandra
as Sirma
as Colleague
as Neno
as Beti
as Alek
as Ninoslav
as Miki
as Vaska
as Stefanija
as Nela's Daughter 1
as Nela's Daughter 2
as Policeman
as Roma Teen 1
as Roma Teen 2
as Servet
as Doan
as Nora
as Nora's Grandmother
as Man in House
as Elif
as Kemal
as Friend's Mum
as Friend's Sister