A South African family comedy about three primary school girls and their obsessed mothers who share the same desire: for their girls to become Head Girl of their junior school. When things go badly for one of them, she becomes mean in her attempts to win, but after sacrificing the good qualities in her personality she finally learns what a true leader should be.
as Nadia van Heerden
as Melissa Cronje
as Rikus Steenkamp
as Susan Vivier
as Hetwieg Karolis
as Martie Cronje
as Tannie Betsie
as Ouma Anna
as Mnr Gouws
as Himself
as Jakoba Vivier
as Dorothea Karolis
as Miss Reynecke
as Miss Prinsloo
as Fanie De Jager
as Mr Nel
as Lwellyn Greef
as Hettie Pienaar
as Police Woman