Kenta Kurata (Masaki Aiba) lives with his father, Taichi (Akira Terao), his mother, Keiko (Kaho Minami), and his younger sister, Nana (Kasumi Arimura) in an isolated home in the suburbs. He works as an unpopular commercial designer. Kenta Kurata possesses a timid personality, which he picked up from his father. Kenta doesn't like his father. One day, while waiting for the train, Kenta warns a man who pushed a woman and cut in line. Kenta is surprised that he spoke out with his normally timid personality. After that incident, Kenta's family home is targeted by an unknown person with flowers from their garden being pulled out and the seat of a bicycle being torn. Also, Kenta's younger sister Nana is stalked by her ex-boyfriend. Kenta and his family try to find out who is responsible.
as Kenta Kurata
as Asuka Kandori
as Taichi Kurata
as Keiko Kurata
as Nana Kurata
as Shutaro Kanie
as Hiroki Mase
as Setsuko Nishizawa
as Seiji Hato
as Marie Hobara
as Gus
as Tamiko Shimomura
as Masaki Tsujimoto
as Toru Mochikawa
as Toshiharu Yagi