A comedy that follows two high school students -- one overachiever struggling to write his valedictorian speech, the other a senior now going on his 15th year of school.
as Mac Johnson
as Devin Overstreet
as Mr. Armstrong
as Ms. Huck
as Knees Down
as Jasmine
as Ashley
as Principal Cummings
as Mahatma Chang Greenberg
as Detention Students
as Nerdy Chemistry Student / Hemptathalon Smoker 3
as Jubilance
as Captain Kush
as Jenny Billings
as M.I.L.F.
as Massage Parlor Bouncer
as Student / Hemptathalon Smoker 2
as Student
as Hemptathalon Smoker 1
as Nerd
as Hemptathalon Tooted and Pooted Girl
as Masseuse
as Tattoo Parlor Receptionist
as Slow Burn