Set two years after the drama series "Nemesis," Naoki Kazama works for Nemesis Detective Agency and is regarded as a brilliant detective. He is able to solve the most difficult of cases, but he has a secret. He is actually a lousy detective and relies on the genius skills of his assistant Anna Mikami to solve cases. Their partnership continues.
as Mikami Anna
as Kazama Naoki
as Kurita Kazuaki
as Chikuma Takahiro
as Shimanto Yuji
as Koyamakawa Kaoru
as Uehara Kiiko
as Hoshi Kensho
as Himekawa Joui
as Ryu Yoichi
as Himura Akira
as Yotsuba Tomomi
as Kanda Nagisa
as Ryota
as Rinrin
as Enokido Rikimaru
as Window