A film sequel to the popular series, U Motherbaker. It is a Taiwanese family comedy about culture and the challenges of transforming a traditional cake shop. The film spin-off depicts the mother’s adventures of being the number one fan of the superstar OO.
as Su Lin Tsai Hsiang
as Hsiao Ou
as Yi Ke
as Fa Kuei
as Chung
as Hsiao
as Jen
as Ai
as Ta Mei
as Shin
as Shang Yun
as OO
as OO Assistant
as Mr. Tsai
as Mr. Lai
as Director
as Main Actress
as Woman Being Approached
as Superwoman
as Passerby
as Flutist
as Hideki Okamoto
as Doctor
as Gangster
as Mob Boss
as Gangster
as Boss Woman
as Pawnbroker
as Record Store Boss
as Assistant Director
as Therapist
as Herbal Pork Rib Shop Owner
as Convenience Store Clerk
as Cab Driver