Joana, a 14-year-old teenage girl, shows up to spend a week with her father, Renato, a comedian who performs his shows in steak houses, bars and nightclubs in Fortaleza dressed as Silvanelly. Despite barely knowing each other, having had little contact so far, and leading very different lifestyles, father and daughter need to live together during this period of time. Together they will meet the young actor Marlon, live new experiences and try new feelings. This week together will profoundly transform their lives.
as Joana
as Renato
as Marlon
as Rita
as Cristina
as Freira
as João Lucas
as Diogo
as Humorista
as "Galinha Pintadinha"
as Cecília
as Amiga de Marlon
as Torcedor
as Torcedora Loira
as Torcedora Morena
as Jogadora de Sinuca
as Cantora
as Violinista
as Percussionista