A seemingly ordinary girl finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, she develops her unique abilities and also stumbles upon a clue that will help her unravel the biggest secret of the family...
as Ada Niezgódka
as Ambroży Kleks
as Dr. Paj-Chi-Wo
as Prince Mateusz / Prince Mateusz starling (voice)
as Anna Niezgódka
as Queen of the wolves
as Vincent
as Albert
as Diego
as Ola
as Natasha
as Zita
as Batar
as Janek
as 'Serdel'
as Kiko
as Maria
as Dima
as Nikodem
as Julek
as Adam
as Samuel
as Rajesh
as Alex Niezgódka
as Filip Rakvelle
as Commander
as Commander
as Drifter
as Prince Mateusz (old)
as Comedian
as Aladdin
as Alice in Wonderland
as Cinderella
as Snow White
as Pocahontas
as Princess-Elf
as Mermaid
as Icarus
as Daedalus
as Little Red Riding Hood
as The Little Match Girl
as Dwarf
as Dwarf
as Dwarf
as Stilt Walker
as Boy on the bicycle
as Mime
as The Steadfast Tin Soldier
as Professor from India / Seller in New York
as Older Child
as Sloth
as Sloth
as Sloth
as Kiki's Father
as Kiki's Brother
as Ada Niezgódka (younger)
as Taxi Driver in New York
as Girl with a dog in New York
as Policeman in New York
as Policeman in New York
as Boy
as Girl
as Girl
as Girl
as Girl
as (voice)
as (voice)
as (voice)
as (voice)