As a young woman, Klara left her hometown in disgrace. Now she is old and unimaginably rich, as for the first time she returns. The town is nearly bankrupt and in urgent need of money. Everybody hopes Clara will come to the rescue. And she will. However, there is a condition: somebody must kill the man who was her lover all those years ago.
as Alfred III
as Klara Zahanasijan
as Predsednik opštine
as Profesor gimnazije
as Kondukter
as Šef policije Hanke
as Sluga Bobi
as TV reporter
as Mathilda III (supruga)
as Novinar
as Otilija III, kći
as Mobi, Klarin sedmi muž
as Kobi
as Lobi
as Lekar
as Šef opozicije
as Župnik
as Fotograf