Alexander Pushkin is young, brash and adored by high society. He is the star at every ball he attends, his fans revere his poetic talent, and young women dream of winning his attention. However, not even his aristocratic patrons and loyal friends, nor his growing fame can keep him from dueling, getting exiled, and becoming destitute. Only when he meets his true love does he find meaning in life, and his genius develops to make him the legend the world knows today.
as Alexander Pushkin
as Young Alexander
as Konstantin Danzas
as Natalya Goncharova
as Elizaveta Vorontsova
as Vasiliy Zhukovskiy
as Alexander Benkendorf
as Georges d'Anthès
as Ivan Pushchin
as Lermontov
as Avdotya Golitsyna
as Nikolay I
as Danzas
as Aleksandra Fyodorovna